Making a Difference for Vulnerable Children

At Beans for Dreams, we're on a mission to create positive change in the lives of vulnerable children. Join us in our commitment to making a difference by supporting our cause.

Who we are

Beans for Dreams, founded by Mark Carpenter in Melbourne, is a testament to the power of small actions with big impact. Mark's vision was simple: to harness the generosity of individuals by asking them to commit to donating the equivalent of a cup of coffee each week - either by "buying" or skipping a cup a week. Only 4 people committing to this generous act would support a child for a year. His initial mission, to raise $50,000 before he turns 50!

girl holding purple and green camera toy
girl holding purple and green camera toy

Transparency and accountability are at the core of our mission — every donation goes directly to carefully selected charitable causes whom we partner with, ensuring maximum impact.

This year we are privileged to partner with the amazing organisation - The Mirabel Foundation.

Our Partners

Our partner

About The Mirabel Foundation

Troy's Story
Wade's Story

Mirabel is the vision of Jane Rowe, who identified a vulnerable group of children and took action to make a positive difference in their lives. In her work as a drug and alcohol counsellor, Jane witnessed the devastating effects that drug use has on the children of drug users and the cycle of disadvantage that repeats itself through generations if action is not taken.

Jane believed that it was possible to bring about positive change to the lives of these children. In December 1998, with the support of countless individuals, Mirabel was launched with a two-night benefit concert in Melbourne.

Since this time, Mirabel has provided vital assistance and support to thousands of children living throughout Victoria and New South Wales. Troy and Wade are just two of those stories: