two women lying on hammock

Beans for Dreams mission is to raise donations to help vulnerable children

About Us

Or should I say about me, Mark Carpenter! As it is only the moment. I grew up in Nigeria for the first 8 years of my life. I had a pretty normal and happy childhood. Most of all I had parents who created a safe and warm environment. I will always be thankful for them for this.

I am now a dad of two, Daniel (8) and Sienna (6). I try my best to emulate Bandit (Bluey) but never quite get there. Having kids, and approaching the big 50 milestone I started thinking how could I give back to society.

I have worked in the IT Industry for 23 years after leaving university. Since moving to Melbourne in 2013, I have noticed the serious amount of coffee being consumed. So I thought, if I could get people committed donating by either "buying" an extra coffee week or "skipping" a coffee (I was warned people may not react to well to this suggestion - especially in Melbourne) a week. This small amount from a large enough group could make a really big difference.

After exploring the time and effort required to start a not-for-profit in Australia we decided the easiest way would be to partner with existing charities supporting vulnerable children.

We are super excited to partner with the fabulous Mirabel Foundation. We will be working with The Mirabel Foundation on a number of fund raising initiatives in the next 12 months. The first, is "A Coffee for a Cause" donation with many more exiting ones to come. Subscribe to keep up to date.

How do we work?

So I have given myself the target of raising $50,000 by June 2025 before I turn 50. This way, I get to help some kids who did not have the good fortune to be born into a safe environment, and hey, I may get that bit closer emulating Bandit to my kids after all.

My hope is that this will grow beyond the initial target and we collectively can make some real change.

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